#30 - Dana Ledoux Miller - Writer, Producer, Showrunner

Having worked her way up through Hollywood, Dana is here to share her story and offer tips for writers everywhere.

Dana Ledoux Miller chats with Angel and Leah about writing and working in Hollywood. Dana worked her way up from internships, production assistant, film school student, assistant directorships, to becoming a writing assistant for Aaron Sorkin on The Newsroom. She's since been a story editor, writer, and showrunner. They discuss the power of showrunners in the industry and the complexity of being one. Plus, they touch on the importance of representation, nurturing relationships, hard work, and how to make character the centerpiece of a pitch. She's currently working on Disney's live action Moana.

About Dana

Dana Ledoux Miller is a writer/producer of Sāmoan-European descent who has worked in TV and Film for the last decade, credits include: The Newsroom, Narcos, Designated Survivor, Kevin Can Fuck Himself, Lodge 49. She also co-created and ran Netflix' Limited Series Thai Cave Rescue in 2022 and is currently co-writing Disney's Live Action adaptation of Moana. She is a graduate of the University of Hawai’i at Mānoa and co-founder and Board Chair of the Pasifika Entertainment Advancement Komiti (PEAK), a non-profit dedicated to improving representation for Pacific Islanders across entertainment.

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